Chair Massage is a specialized style of bodywork that utilizes a variety of massage techniques. The chair massage is administered while the client is fully clothed making it suitable for the workplace environment.

Pressure applied to specific release points, encourages the body to let go of tension, leaving the muscles relaxed brain energized through increased circulation and oxygen.

Within a 10, 15, 20, 30 minute session, the practitioner can give a thorough upper-body massage that includes the neck, back, shoulders, arms and hands. This highly specialized massage form allows for maximum benefit in the shortest amount of time. The results are immediate and guaranteed. And a 15 minute massage break can fit into virtually everyone's schedule!

Chair Massage as a part of a wellness program, requires little time commitment on the part of the employers or employees, resulting in high utilization. Unlike other wellness modalities, there is nothing to practice, learn or accomplish. In fact, the less the client does the more effective the work will be!